Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Curiosity confused the Brit

I've realized in my short time alone in this house that having a cat (or, I suppose, any other uncaged pet) is useful for more than just companionship: It's also a ready-made explanation for any weird noises that may come from other rooms. Strange creak? Clattering noise? Cat did it.

No cat? No easy explanation for this bump or that bang.

Not that the house is possessed or anything. Still, it'd be nice to know just what was making some of the noises. Probably just things settling in the dishwasher.

Or is it?


John said...

You mean I didn't tell you...?

Shona said...

Its probably a friendly ghost...

Sherry Mims said...

I KNEW IT! Most houses in England have to have a ghost :-)